Saturday, October 1, 2011

Treatment for Smooth Skin

Face pack for smooth skin:

Smooth skin is perfect for everyone. Everybody wants the skin soft and smooth. Smooth skin can easily represent a brightness of your face without any makeup. That’s why a very simple and effective face pack recipe is included here:

  •     Ingredients:

  1. A big size of cucumber
  2. 6 table spoon of rose water
  3. 4 table spoon of odicolon
  4. 3 table spoon of glycerin
  •     Method:

  1. Mix up the all ingredient and blend it very well
  2. Keep the past in a pot and preserve it in your freezer for half an hour
  3. Then rub this pack on your whole body including your face.
  4. Wait for 20 minutes and then take shower
  5. Use this pack 5 days in a week and continue it for 3 months 

Caution: every day use a fresh pack. Never use the pack which is one day older.


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